Monday, May 25, 2009

Jobs in SimSociety

In SimSociety your character can get following jobs:
- Other - Default option - your character begins his career from the waiter-post;
- Journalism;
- Security;
- Cookery;
- Policy;
- Science;
- Medicine;
- Music;
It is not new information to Sim and Sim 2 players that for your character to be tapered in every of jobs it is necessary to have special aptitude and fulfill the conditions. How to do it? You can read in information about the job. For example, on successful work of waitress Charm, Gladness and Cleanliness have an influence. In information about the job you can also read about the distance between home and work-place. If it is not too far you can get there on foot, but if it is too far, you will get there by bus, by taxi or by your own car (whichever your Sim can afford).

If you want to find a new job press the button "Search a job", choose a job and post and put in an application. Next day your character will get a message is he taken into the new job or not. If your mentee was searching for a job having low levels of self-feeling or gladness, or cleanliness, most probably that employer's answer will be negative.


  1. do you know how to reach journalism experiences in simsocial?

  2. Yes. Check what are the requirements. You must have high honesty. It's hard for me to get the honesty. I am applying him to be an Police officer.
